Jaftiyatur Rohaniyah, S.Pd.I, M.Pd was born in Pamekasan, 08-08-1989. She started working as a lecturer from 2015 – Now specialized in Linguistic Study. She finished her Bachelor degree in IAIN Madura, Indonesia and her Master Degree in UNESA Surabaya, Indonesia. She also focused as researcher in Language Education and Linguistic Study.
Rini Listyowati, S.S., M.Pd. Born in Tulungagung, September 15th, 1980. Graduated with a bachelor’s degree in the English Language and Letters study program at Gajayana University, Malang in 2002. Graduated with master’s degree in English Education at Malang Islamic University in 2017. Currently a lecturer in the English Education Department, faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Islam Madura. And served as head of the English Education Department. Has written books with the titles English for Tour Guide, Introduction to Poetry, and Teaching Materials for Drama Subject. Has been a speaker and keynote speaker at International Conference or Seminar both held abroad such as Bangladesh, New York, and Pakistan as well as in Indonesia. Actively writing scientific articles published in national reputable journals and international Journals.
Linta Wafdan Hidayah, SS., M.Pd was born in Pamekasan, September 5th, 1987. Graduated with bachelor’s degree inThe English Literature Study Program, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, in 2005. Graduated from Master’s degree in Universitas Negeri Surabaya, 2013. She started working as english lecturer in Universitas Islam Madura from 2013 until now. She focus on Literature in English Language Teaching. She also teachs semantic and literal reading.
The book of “BASIC INTRODUCTION OF LINGUISTIC STUDY” has been arranged as course book material to make students easy in studying linguistic personally or studying with team. This course book material also beneficially has function as lecturing project report which was reported in the end of semester of course.
The content of this course material covered all linguistic branches (micro and macro linguistic) which were adopted from George Yule Theory, Language Files, and other theories of Linguistic Study.
Thus, the Author hope that It can give benefit for students and learners of Language Education and Linguistic Study to enrich their knowledge about Basic Linguistic