B.A.M.S., M. D., M. Phil (HPE), PhD (Panchakarma)
Presently working as HOD, Professor, & Ph.D. Supervisor, Dept. of Panchakarma, Mahatma Gandhi Ayurved College, Hospital and research center, Salod (H), Datta Meghe Institute of Higher education and Research, India Wardha, Maharashtra. Having Total Experience of 17 years and 8.5 years in UG PG teaching respectively. She is PhD and Fellowship Supervisor from 2019. Received MAIER Awards 2020 as a Research in AYUSH (Panchakarma), Pune, Outstanding Scientist Award (2021), Organized by VDGOOD Professional Association, Research Excellence Award 2022, Best Clinician in Panchakarma by Medworld Asia International Excellency awards 2022, Best Researcher Award in Medical Sciences based on Advance Interdisciplinary Research (ICAIR-2023), Best Teacher National Award in Panchakarma (PG) By Ayurveda Teacher Association Pune and MUHS Nasik(2023), Many best papers and best poster awards. Completed 9 Research as Principle Investigator, and 2 Funded Projects are ongoing. 25 Copyrights are registered, 2 Patents are filed, 06 Books/ Monograph are published, 20 Chapters’ contributions in various books. A total of 131 Papers are Published (Pubmed- 9, Scopus – 50, WoS – 44, Med know- 5, UGC Care– 23), 53 Paper/ Poster presentations in International and National Conferences, 49 times as a Resource Person/Guest Speaker- in National, Regional, State and University level, 12 times contribute as a Chairperson/Co-chairperson in various Conferences.